The ‘Deep Years’ original thinking and new language.
Deep, as in long lived, enduring, great.
‘What do you think about a hundred? Have you ever thought about living to a hundred?’ ‘No.’ I replied honestly. ‘I never have.’ He smiled. ‘I’d like to live into the deep years, I’d like to be a hundred.’ I thought what an awesome ambition.
‘Deep Years’ stayed with me, it was fresh, new, an interesting way to describe great age, the deep years. Which is why in DiscoverAge the ‘Deep Years’ is used when referring to old,old age. The meaning is clear. It is ambition, wanting to live into the deep years.’ It is right for the new old.
The deep years become a ‘blessed’ time of life when age has become a wonderful achievement and you are cherished because of your many, many years.
The Deep Years, wrinkly, wise and content.