Everything changed, I changed, when I first read ‘the human body is the most advanced structure in the known universe, a marvel of biomechanical engineering and fantastically complex biology.’  

This wasn’t how I’d ever thought about my body or me. ‘The most advanced structure in the known universe?’ It’s still unexpected and extraordinary. Hard to accept. Amazing! Why? Why didn’t I know? Why hadn’t anyone ever told me?

The more I explored and discovered age, the more I understood and believed; the greater the respect and wonder. How could I have lived all these years and never known? Which is why! 

In DiscoverAge the body is the hero. 

Man tired from exercising with his hands on his knees

Age is altered expectation. Why does it change?

Age is a magnet for warnings, negativity and imagined dangers. 

Age qualified? Haven’t done exercise for a while and finally, bravely, decide it’s time to start. What you want is encouragement. Instead, what you get are Warnings. ‘Careful! Caution. Easy does it. Age thirty the message is ‘Harder! Faster!’ Go for it!’

Whether you get encouragement or Warnings is age dependent. Why does it change?

DiscoverAge encourages maximum effort, at every age.

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