Phytness by DiscoverAge

Phytness is the fusion of physical activity and fitness.

Phytness is original movement, physical activity, and exercise that rouses and excites the astonishing older body to maximize healthy, active, successful ageing. It is exclusive to DiscoverAge. The psychological benefit and pleasure of easy movement, better physical appearance, and resulting self-confidence are ‘phantastic.’

Phytness classes, soon to be available, on the website will start like in a special way. Each participant, each age activist, will introduce themselves: “My name is Alice, and I’m 79. It is planned for the person leading the class to be Age Qualified.

Phytness = Cardiovascular + strength + balance + mobility.

Cardiovascular: A strong, beating heart and powerful lungs are the foundations of health. Aerobic activity targets these organs.

Strength: Maintaining muscle strength as we age cannot be overstated. Strength or resistance exercises maintain and build skeletal muscles at every age.

Balance: the synchronicity of the eye, inner ear, muscles, joints, and proprioception that provides stability. Standing upright is a surprisingly busy time for the body.

Mobility is flexibility and agility. Flexibility is moving through a range of motion, quickly and easily. Agility quickly changes position and direction of the body.

Phytness builds muscle strength, strengthens the heart and lungs, improves balance, and maintains mobility. It burns calories, boosts brain power, improves the immune system, and prevents illness. It brightens your view of the world and its view of you. Phytness is scalable. Best is personal and will change with age and ability. Enjoy the success of every movement.

Phytness is also knowledge and education. For example, Balance provides stability, equilibrium, and fast reaction time. Throughout life, it‘s taken for granted until the body is challenged by age when poor balance becomes dangerous.

Stand tall and focus on something in front of you. Lift one leg and balance; hold this position for a few seconds; now, close your eyes. Balance is suddenly extremely difficult; you wobble and try to stop falling. Open your eyes quickly, and you will probably recover. What just happened? Closing your eyes removes visual information and reference points. This affects the ‘vestibular’ system of the inner ear, where tiny labyrinths containing fluid and hair-like sensors detect motion; these ‘motion messages’ are flashed to the brain. They are not alone.

Receptors in muscles, joints and skin also send and receive motion messages using ‘proprioceptive pathways.’ Proprioception is how the body ‘senses’ where it is in space. This is often referred to as our ‘sixth sense.’ Sensory neurons and microscopic receptors detect changes in motion, temperature, pressure, etc., millions of messages are sent to and from the brain at incredible speeds, allowing the brain to ‘map’ the location of the body. Because of these receptors and proprioception, we can move confidently and unconsciously, and why we are able to touch the tip of our nose with the forefinger even with our eyes closed. Proprioception and balance benefit from training and exercise.

Balance is either static or dynamic. Static balance is holding a ‘balanced’ position without moving. Holding a ‘pose’ for 30 to 60 seconds is beneficial, but it’s unnatural and uncommon in everyday life. Phytness focusses on dynamic balance. Balance as in day-to-day life. The sudden loss of balance, walking, tripping, slipping, recovering.

Phytness by DiscoverAge introduces wobbly balance and the ‘slow blink.’ Wobbly balance, almost falling and recovering, stabilizing. Wobbling, twisting, wiggling, almost losing it, nearly falling, recovering. The ‘Slow Blink,’ stand on one leg, focus on an object, blink and quickly open your eyes. Try again; this time, slow the blink, keeping your eyes closed a little longer, and hold until you start to fall, quickly open your eyes. Repeat, constantly increasing the length of the slow blink.

Scalable. All movement, strength, mobility is personal and scalable. Age is only one factor in determining Phytness levels. The goal of Phytness goal is maximizing the physical ability of each individual to maintain a healthy active life into the deep years.

Movement, strength, and mobility are personal and scalable. The goal of Phytness is to maximize the physical ability of each individual.

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