DiscoverAge is Original Thinking, New Ambition

Years into my DiscoverAge journey I found a few lines of a poem by Emily Dickenson I’d scribbled in an old notebook a long time ago. They were surrounded by a mass of questions marks and underlining.

‘Tell all the truth but tell it slant, or every man be blind.’

‘The truth must dazzle, gradually.’

The words had held a wisdom beyond the younger me. Re-reading, they still fascinated and baffled. ‘Tell all the truth but tell it slant.’ I found myself reading them out loud again and again and suddenly I understood they should be the essence of DiscoverAge the thinking and language.

I imagined Emily waking one morning in Amhurst Massachusetts. As she slept ‘tell all the truth but tell it slant’ had arrived. It was her ‘DiscoverAge’ moment. Words finding, each other and belonging, creating new from the old. ‘Tell all the truth but tell it slant.’ This was how I wanted to ‘tell’ DiscoverAge.

‘DiscoverAge  as the title states is about discovering age, it altered expectation and new aspiration. It is about healthy, active, successful ageing. It is a new slant on age.

The ‘slant.’ original thinking and new language. Original thinking needs new language. New words and attitude. In DiscoverAge there are many; they are the signposts of change. How else to alter expectation?

Language is much more than just words. It is new strength, a change in tone, changed emotion and feeling. It is pride and not apology. Language is communication, it is ditching denial and silncing silence. It is new attitude and passion. It is appearance. It is also new values and personal responsibility.

It is a different new way of life, of lifestyle a new happiness.

‘Or every man be blind.’ Age is shrouded in mystery, history and misunderstanding. To many, perhaps to most it is an unwelcome challenge.

DiscoverAge in many ways rights a wrong. Ageing and being old has been and is largely ignored by society and by the ‘old ’ or in DiscoverAge speak, the age qualified.  themselves.’ They are of little interest and less importance.

DiscoverAge has a positive attitude and approach ot age, it is new empathy and awareness of the ageing body. It is moving on, the past has passed, and we are the new old with new ambition. It is appreciating the potential of the incredible ageing body.

Increased life span has changed ageing. Very simply, it has given years of life to the body that have never existed before. With twenty and more new years, it is like adding another life. Physically this changes everything.

Evolution that shaped us has little relevance, procreation is passed and survival into the deep years is as never before. We are having to discover how to live stay healthy and active at a never before age. DiscoverAge explores this new age and how be proud of who we are, how to stay active and healthy in this new age. How to square the curve.

DiscoverAge is authentic. The ideas, the language the brand is conceived by someone who is age qualified. I started this series of articles by introducing myself in this way, “Hi, I’m JJ and I’m 75. That simple statement to me is very important. I am very proud of my age. I’m delighted I woke up that morning in Bulawayo and DiscoverAge arrived, and I’m still amazed at my enthusiasm and ambition for everything DiscoverAge represents.

Discoverage is everything I wanted to know and learned about age shared and with a slant.

The second line of the poem, ‘The truth must dazzle gradually.’ At the very beginning when I first started thinking about DiscoverAge I wrote ‘we are a dazzling experiment in ageing.’ It is what I still believe.

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